Career Coaches

Career Coaches
You are a career development professional or executive coach committed to helping clients find satisfaction and success in their business careers. But are you sufficiently differentiated in your skills and service to satisfy clients and generate further referrals?
More than 90% of top business programs around the globe have made CareerLeader a cornerstone of their career development programs, providing data-driven guidance to students and counselors who work with them. CareerLeader offers the same advantages to private coaches and their clients. You will benefit from 50 collective years of research, and access to the science that generates a common framework and analysis of your client’s interests, motivators and skills. CareerLeader training programs and tools are also available to help coaches advance their skills in administering the program.
CareerLeader’s licensing terms—a simple "per-use" license that you can choose to include in your fee or pass along to your clients—also offer some distinct advantages to the private career coach.
To learn more about offering CareerLeader in your practice, contact us.