
This is your time.
A time to explore the principles of business. A time to discover what kind of work you find interesting and exciting. And a time to consider what about you, yourself makes you a great candidate for the career (and life) you want.
CareerLeader will help guide you in designing and navigating a path to career success and satisfaction. We start with what interests you, because that is your true competitive advantage. Then, we delve into what skills you want to use and what motivates you. (Skills and motivators are important modifying influences, but it is the combination of interests, skills and motivators that should drive your choices and decisions. And that’s the premise of CareerLeader.)
The assessments are not difficult. There really are no right or wrong answers. From your scores, CareerLeader develops a unique profile that is compared with those of more than 500,000 businessmen and women. You get recommendations for what careers might work best, how to evaluate your “fit” with different cultures, and how to effectively present yourself in interviews.
If your school, company or career coach has already selected CareerLeader, you either have or will soon receive log in credentials. If you have selected CareerLeader on your own, you can purchase an individual license.
Either way, this much we know: when your career allows you to maximize the expression of your interests, skills and motivators, and the organization culture works with your values, you will be happier, more productive, and more successful on the job—and in life, too.
Time to get started!