

Leading companies prioritize recruiting top talent, and maximizing employees’ professional growth. They also recognize the need to meet the individual's needs as well as their own.

The CareerLeader assessments provide actionable information that can be used to craft a better fit between an employee's work and their unique profile of the three core factors—their deeply embedded life interests, skills, and motivators. When jobs enable employees to maximize these core factors, productivity rises and turnover decreases. Employees find their work more engaging and interesting—and that the benefits, which include greater self-awareness—spill over into their personal life as well.

CareerLeader is privileged to work with global leaders in technology, consulting and other highly competitive fields. For more information, contact us.

Job SculptingTM
Job Sculpting is a customized consultation service designed to help highly motivated individuals, and the organizations that hire them, shape their work roles to match their interests, motivators, skills and the organizational culture in which they work. Returning to the all-important question of what truly interests an individual, the job sculpting consultation offers opportunities to test new work scenarios and ideas for engaging with management to explore the possibilities. The goal is to optimize employee satisfaction and retention, leading to greater productivity and reduced costs. Individuals and/or employers may pay for this service. Learn more about Job Sculpting from an employer perspective in this Harvard Business Review article. For more information contact Dr. James Waldroop directly,", +1 617 877 2171.