Higher Education

Higher Education
For our college and university clients, CareerLeader offers two versions along with training programs to help coaches advance their skills in administering the program.
CareerLeader, appropriate for graduate-level students
(MBA and other advanced-degree students)
Many students invest in advanced-degree programs because they want to change their industry or upgrade their role or function. These students expect their Masters in Business Administration (MBA) or other advanced-degree program to provide significant levels of support, resources and guidance, to help them accelerate their future careers. CareerLeader is unsurpassed in its ability to provide specific, actionable guidance to this population.
CareerLeader-College, appropriate for undergraduate business students and others considering a career in business
(BBA, liberal arts, engineering, and other undergraduate students)
Undergraduate programs are competing for the most talented students, and their programs are often measured on their ability to help students find their first job after graduation. "Business" as a field is much harder to define than alternatives such as "medicine" or "law", and can be overwhelming for undergraduates to evaluate. Adapted from the flagship CareerLeader product to suit undergraduate students specifically, CareerLeader-College is an essential resource for helping students find their path in business—and the confidence that they’ve chosen the right path.
To learn more about offering CareerLeader or CareerLeader-College to your students, contact us.